Copyright Statement
Last modified: September 12, 2024
1. Copyright Notice
1.1 Subject to the provision of this notice:
(a) Garide, a product of Baggins Technology Enterprises, together with its licensors, own and control all the copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website and all of its content, information, and materials.
(b) All the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the content, information, and materials in this website are reserved.
(c) Any use of this website or its services does not constitute any licence to use the copyright and other intellectual property rights in its content, information, and materials.
2. Prohibited Use
2.1 Except to the extent permitted by the Copyright Law or with prior permission and express written consent by Garide, you must not:
(a) use, reproduce, or redistribute any part of the content, information, and material on this website in any form.
(b) copy, download, print, extract, exploit, adapt, edit, modify, republish, reproduce, duplicate, distribute or publicly display any of the content, information and materials on this website for non-personal or commercial purposes.
(c) transmit, host, or store any such content, information or material in any form or through any means, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, or in any print, electronic or digital form, or on any other website.
(d) conduct systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on this website.
3. Acceptable Use
3.1 Under the Copyright Law, you are permitted to:
(a) copy the content, information, or material on this website for non-commercial research, personal use, government use, or any other use permitted under the Copyright Law while acknowledging the author – Garide – as the source of any such content, information, and material.
(b) make a temporary copy which is transient or incidental, which is an integral and essential part of a technological process, provided that the sole purpose of which is to enable:
(i) a lawful transmission of the work in a network between third parties by an intermediary; or
(ii) a lawful use of the work; and which has no independent economic significance.
4. Abuse
4.1 Subject to our terms and conditions, you are not permitted to post information or add content copyrighted by third parties.
4.2 Pursuant to the Copyright Law, Garide will respond to abuse reports by copyright owners to remove any abusive or infringing content on this website.
4.3 Garide will not be responsible for the quality of, accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of the content, information, and material on this website.